Five young men in Abu Dhabi have been ordered to sweep the streets as punishment for reckless driving.
A court has asked them to do three months of community service and pay a fine of AED 50,000.
Their driving licences have been suspended for six months, while their vehicles will be auctioned off to pay for the damage they caused to public roads.
The men were caught drifting their vehicles, indulging in stunts on the road and driving without number plates.
The verdicts were issued in three different cases involving the defendants, who were initially sentenced to six months in jail.
من جهتها أدانت المحكمة المتهمين بما أسند إليهم، وأصدرت بحقهم أحكام تضمن الحبس لمدة ستة أشهر والغرامات المالية إضافة إلى مصادرة المركبات المستخدمة في الجريمة ووقف رخص القيادة الخاصة بالمتهمين لمدة ستة أشهر.. pic.twitter.com/fLQaiXVxq7
— دائرة القضاء-أبوظبي (@ADJD_Official) June 27, 2021